Employee Confirmation of clock in

We have had issues where employees are saying they clocked in but the system does not show it.Is there something in addition we can add at the time clock that will give the employee a very noticeable confirmation that they clocked in such as an external light or sound?

Also, is there plans in the new system where the employee can log on and look at their time to insure it is accurate?  I think this would be beneficial. There may be situations where an employee swiped, but the swipe did not take.  If Marcella can't confirm the employee was here that day on Payroll day, it may be the next week before the employee gets paid. If the employee can see there was a swipe missed before the end of the week, the employee could get with Marcella to get confirmation for that day by video camera or supervisor or both. 

  1. Nadeem Rasheed
    13 February, 2020

    Everything that is available is already in place...

  2. Ken Hewell
    12 February, 2020

    Certain employees seem to have issues, but Mark wanted us to see if we can add anything to let them know or confirm the clock in took. 

    Ken Hewell |Environmental, Health & Safety

    www.primexplastics.com | 800-225-9272 • 770-534-0223

    3435 Old Oakwood Road • Oakwood, GA 30566

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  3. Nadeem Rasheed
    11 February, 2020

    The clock should turn on green led on the panel, it should beep and show them their name on the display panel..... is it every one or certain employees that are having issues...